Livermore Valley is just less than on hour east of San Francisco and stands as one of California’s finest winegrowing areas. Livermore Valley found international recognition in 1889 when it won America’s first international gold medal for wine at the Paris Exposition. It is my pleasure to one again visit this beautiful valley to chat with some fantastic winemakers. For this podcast I met up with Robbie Meyer, Winemaker at Murrieta’s Well Winery. Robbie has many vintages under his belt making wine at some of California’s best AVA’s. Robbie joined me along with his four legged pal Mando to talk about the legend of Joaquin Murrieta and how this property became famous.

You can also hear Robbie on our Vino Lingo segment defining the term “Stain the Palate”

Learn more by visiting

Written by Ray Fister

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